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"TPU Triumph: Mastering Kaggle's Petals to the Metal Flower Classification"

Writer's picture: Vinod PuttamadegowdaVinod Puttamadegowda


Welcome to the heart of the Petals to the Metal Kaggle competition, where flowers meet the formidable power of Tensor Processing Units (TPUs). In this blog, we'll walk through the intricacies of solving the flower classification challenge, leveraging TensorFlow and TPUs. From detecting accelerators to crafting a robust strategy, join me on this journey as we decode the steps behind our TPU-powered triumph in Kaggle's Petals to the Metal competition.

Step 1: Setup Kaggle Environment and Import Libraries

In this initial step, we set up the Kaggle environment by exploring the available datasets and files. And also import the necessary libraries for building a flower image classifier.

Stay tuned as we delve into subsequent steps to construct and fine-tune our image classifier!

Step 2: Detect and Configure Hardware Accelerator

This step involves both detecting the available hardware accelerator and configuring the appropriate distribution strategy in TensorFlow. The code checks for the presence of TPU and, if available, sets up the TPU configuration. Otherwise, it defaults to CPU or GPU configurations based on the hardware available. [1]

Step 3: Configure Image Size and Training Parameters

we define the image size suitable for our model, considering memory constraints, and set up parameters for training. The batch size is adjusted based on the hardware configuration, and we calculate the steps per epoch for training. Adjusting these parameters ensures efficient utilization of resources during the training process. [1]

Step 4: Data Preprocessing

In this step, we set up the necessary configurations for data loading and define functions to decode image data from TFRecord files. The GCS_DS_PATH variable specifies the path to the Google Cloud Storage bucket. The decode_image function converts JPEG-encoded image data into floating-point values within the [0, 1] range, and reshapes the images to the specified size for compatibility with the TPU. [1]

The read_labeled_tfrecord and read_unlabeled_tfrecord functions define the structure of labeled and unlabeled TFRecord examples, respectively. They parse the examples, decode the image data, and extract labels (if available). These functions are crucial for reading and interpreting the data stored in TFRecord format. [1]

Step 5: Dataset Loading

In this step, we define functions for loading the training, validation, and test datasets. The load_dataset function reads TFRecord files, ignores order for optimal performance, and maps the appropriate parsing function (read_labeled_tfrecord or read_unlabeled_tfrecord) to create a dataset of image-label pairs or image-id pairs. [1]

The get_training_dataset, get_validation_dataset, and get_test_dataset functions use the load_dataset function to load the respective datasets. The training dataset is repeated for multiple epochs, shuffled, and batched for training. The validation and test datasets are batched, and the validation dataset is cached for improved performance. These functions enable the efficient loading and processing of the flower image datasets for training, validation, and testing. [1]

Step 6: Model Creation

In this crucial step, we construct our flower image classifier model. Leveraging the power of transfer learning, we opt for the VGG16 architecture, a pretrained model known for its effectiveness in image recognition tasks. [1]

we create a powerful yet efficient model architecture. The pretrained VGG16 base model is incorporated, followed by a global average pooling layer for feature extraction and a dense layer for classification. By setting the base model as non-trainable, we embrace the principles of transfer learning to enhance our model's performance. [1]

The model is then compiled with an Adam optimizer, sparse categorical crossentropy loss, and accuracy as the evaluation metric. The fit method takes care of the training process, iterating over the training dataset for the specified number of epochs. [1]

Stay tuned as we unravel the performance of our model in the subsequent steps of our flower classification journey!

Step 7: Validation Dataset Accuracy

With training complete, let's gauge the model's prowess on unseen data – the validation dataset. Validation accuracy serves as a litmus test for the model's generalization capabilities. The snippet below encapsulates this assessment:


The code presented encapsulates my unique contribution, specifically in addressing the challenge of evaluating model accuracy during the development of a flower image classifier. This contribution is crucial due to the following contextual insights:

  1. Mitigating Overfitting: The inclusion of the validation dataset serves as a strategic measure to prevent hyperparameter overfitting. By assessing model performance on unseen data, I ensure the robustness of the classifier and its ability to generalize well.

  2. Optimizing Kaggle Submissions: Kaggle imposes constraints on the number of daily submissions (limited to five). Leveraging predictions on the validation dataset becomes instrumental in efficiently gauging accuracy without exhausting submission quotas. This approach streamlines the iterative process of refining hyperparameters and enhancing model performance within the constraints of Kaggle competitions.

This contribution not only enhances the model development process but also aligns with practical considerations imposed by the Kaggle platform.

Step 8: Unleashing Predictive Power on the Test Dataset

The time has come to unleash our meticulously crafted model onto the test dataset, providing predictions that encapsulate the essence of our flower classifier. This code snippet expertly executes the prediction process:

As we embark on the final leg of our journey, the model's predictions on the test dataset are captured and meticulously organized into a submission file.

Step 9: Kaggle Competition Results

The moment of truth has arrived! After successfully training, validating, and predicting on the test dataset, let's examine our model's performance on the Kaggle competition leaderboard.

My most recent submission scored an impressive 0.20258, showcasing a commendable improvement from your previous score of 0.18986.

Navigating Challenges

  1. Constructing a flower image classifier posed challenges in mastering TensorFlow and Tensor Processing Units (TPUs). My journey involved an immersive exploration of these technologies to harness their potential. Navigating image preprocessing complexities, especially with TFRecord format and decoding, demanded meticulous attention to detail to ensure accurate data handling throughout the pipeline.

  2. The integration of pretrained models, particularly VGG16, introduced another layer of complexity. Comprehending the architecture and adapting pretrained models to the specific demands of the flower image classification task became a focal point. Configuring optimizers and compiling the model for effective training added a final layer to the technical challenges.

  3. Throughout this journey, effective communication played a crucial role, driving my efforts to translate intricate technical details into clear, concise explanations for a diverse audience in the blog. This narrative of continuous learning, adaptation, and effective communication unfolded as the essence of my journey in the realm of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Algorithms Overview in Flower Image Classifier

1. TensorFlow Distribution Strategy:

- Purpose: Determines how to distribute the training across different hardware.

- Details:

- Detects the hardware environment (TPU, GPU, or CPU).

- Configures the distribution strategy accordingly.

- Number of replicas is printed as "REPLICAS."

2. Image Processing and TFRecord Handling:

- Purpose: Prepares and loads image data for training and validation.

- Details:

- Decodes JPEG images and normalizes pixel values.

- Reads labeled and unlabeled TFRecords.

- Configures dataset loading, shuffling, and batching.

3. Transfer Learning with VGG16:

- Purpose: Utilizes a pre-trained VGG16 model for feature extraction.

- Details:

- Loads VGG16 with pre-trained ImageNet weights.

- Freezes the layers of the base model to retain pre-learned features.

- Adds a Global Average Pooling layer and a Dense softmax layer for flower classification.

4. Model Compilation and Training:

- Purpose: Configures and trains the neural network model.

- Details:

- Compiles the model with Adam optimizer and sparse categorical cross-entropy loss.

- Utilizes a specified distribution strategy (e.g., TPU) for parallel training.

- Fits the model to the training dataset, validating on a separate set.

5. Model Evaluation on Validation Data:

- Purpose: Assesses the model's performance on unseen validation data.

- Details:

- Computes and prints the accuracy of the model on the validation dataset.

6. Making Predictions on Test Data:

- Purpose: Generates predictions for the test dataset.

- Details:

- Maps the test dataset to extract images.

- Uses the trained model to predict flower classes.

- Saves predictions in a CSV file for submission.

7. Kaggle Submission:

- Purpose: Submits predictions to the Kaggle competition.

- Details:

- Computes and prints the leaderboard ranking and submission score.

Each algorithm contributes to the overall process of building, training, and evaluating a flower image classifier using TensorFlow and transfer learning.

Contribution with Experimenting and Visualizing the Findings


The experiment with different learning rates provides insights into how the choice of learning rate influences the training and validation performance of our model. Here are some observations based on the provided validation accuracies:

1. Learning Rate 0.001:

  • The model achieved a relatively lower validation accuracy of approximately 0.385.

  • A low learning rate might result in slow convergence, where the model takes small steps during optimization. It might require more epochs to reach optimal performance.

2. Learning Rate 0.01:

  • The model achieved a higher validation accuracy of approximately 0.618.

  • This indicates that a learning rate of 0.01 might be more suitable for the given task, allowing the model to converge faster and potentially find a better optimum.

3. Learning Rate 0.1:

  • The model achieved a validation accuracy of approximately 0.561.

  • A high learning rate may lead to overshooting the optimal weights, causing the model to oscillate or diverge instead of converging. This could be the reason for the lower accuracy compared to a learning rate of 0.01.

A good strategy to further narrow down the range of learning rates and find the optimal one. Conducted additional experiments with learning rates between 0.01 and 0.1 to explore the fine-grained behavior of your model.

After thorough experimentation with different learning rates, I have decided to set the learning rate for my model to 0.02. This decision is based on the validation accuracy results, where a learning rate of 0.02 demonstrated the highest performance among the tested values. Striking a balance between convergence speed and stability, this choice aims to optimize the model's training process for the given dataset and architecture.


After changing the learning rate to 0.02, I have achieved 0.60735, which is almost 200% increase on test dataset accuracy.



  1. The code structure and approach in this project were inspired by a Kaggle tutorial available at (

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